Tom Sewell

Pilgrim (2020)

Mushroom Drawing
Tom’s work is involved in trying to understand human relationships with nature. He uses research into (pre)history, mythology, archaeology, language, landscape and life to offer ideas of a space that can be used to investigate the porous border between nature and culture; questioning that dualism and exploring how that border moves through time and space.
He attempts to translate between the elusive material reality of the
elemental, more than human world(animals, air, plants, stones,
water) and concepts of places, stories and objects; navigating the
interpretive ambiguities involved in attempting to locate ourselves
within nature.
Tom’s material practice is concerned with lowering his environmental impact. Works are often temporary and made from scavenged, found or repurposed natural and human-made materials. Natural materials are returned to their point of finding, to resume their place in cycles of decay. Through combining organic and synthetic objects the work questions and destabilises material hierarchies.
His work exists across sculpture, drawing, installation, print, performance, photography & writing
Selected Exhibitions/Publications
Gathering, Grays Wharf, Cornwall & Haarlem Artspace, Derbyshire (2021)
Come to Naught, Kingsgate Project Space (2021)
Wetland/Offering (Publication), Landfill Editions (2021)
Energy Systems (Publication), Well Projects (2020)
Crossings (two person with Verity Birt), WellProjects, Margate (2020)
Glade, Potager Garden, Cornwall (2020)
DreamsTimeFree: The End (publication),TACO, (2020)
The Feeling’s Mutual, The Rectory Projects, London (2019)
A Mountain is a Mountain, Modern Painters, New Decorators, Loughborough (2019)
Recreational Grounds V, Thurlow Street Car Park,London (2019)
Enough! or Too much! (two person with James Randell), The Rectory Projects, London (2019)
Wild Service, Kingsgate Project Space, London (2019)
Orchard (Solo Show), Intercession Gallery, Northampton(2018)

Time At Hogchester Arts